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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thanks for the special snack Sofia!

We had a special visit from Hazel's family.

Friday, March 13, 2015

PBIS Winter Incentive

Today we celebrated as a school earning 5000 wolf pack tickets for being respectful, responsible, safe and ready to learn. Each milestone earned a part of a snowman.  When the snowman was built, we earned what you see below. Today we celebrated with 5 stations, we worked together with our big buddies. We share the fun below.

Snowman Building

A Winter Walk

Winter Obstacle Course

River Walk

Ride A Horse

Big Foot Stomp

Kangaroo Hop

Cave Crawl

Snow Ball Toss

We finished with warm or cold cider.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lots to Share

Thanks to Tanner and all of the others for collecting box tops.  Your effort provides extra funds to our school.
We enjoyed the recent visit from mascot Roscoe.  He is always full of humor.  Please consider attending our Admiral fundraiser event.

We are becoming very good at asking questions of our family visitors each super kid week. Being able to discriminate questions and statements is a kindergarten concept.

We are growing as readers especially during the daily sharing we do with our reading partners.  As you can tell each of these readers have a plan.  having our books out and ready lets us read, and read, and read.

Dominoes have led to plenty of math learning and even a great snack.

Super Kid Andrew

I can build 3D structures.

I can sort fiction and non fiction books.

I can read sentences and match them to pictures that makes sense.

100 Days of Learning

We celebrated our 100 days with a class pizza lunch.  We each had a turn to participate in learning activities in all 3 kindergarten classrooms. All activities reinforced the concept of 100 and encouraged counting.  Children rotated as they wished from activity to activity, room to room.  Some children even returned to a few activities a second time.  Thanks to the moms who came in as volunteers.  Your help made the day a success!!  What a special day with our 5K friends.

The ideas that families thought of for wearing 100 were great. Your efforts did not go unnoticed by your children or myself.


Face Painting

Float 100 pennies

Hat making

Stamping 100 gum balls

100 jumps on the trampoline.

Upcycled 100 capes.

100 day cookies.

Moving marshmallows in 100 seconds.

Counting by 10's.

Designs with the numbers 1 0  0